Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Así los llamaron los griegos. En Roma se llamaron Faunos. De la cintura para abajo eran cabras, el cuerpo, los brazos y el rostro eran humanos y velludos. Tenían cuernitos en la frente, orejas puntiagudas y la nariz encorvada. Eran lascivos y borrachos. Les deleitaba la danza y tocaban diestramente la flauta. Los camerinos los veneraban y les ofrecían las primicias de las cosechas, también les sacrificaban corderos.

The Greeks called this way them. In Rome Fauns were called. Of the waist it stops below they were goats, the body, the arms and the face were human and hairy. They had horns in the forehead, pointed ears and the curved nose. They were lewd and drunkards. It delighted them the dance and they played the flute adeptly. The dressing rooms worshipped them and they offered them the primicias of the crops, they also sacrificed them lambs.

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