Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Deidad araucana del agua, que vive en ríos y lagunas y rara vez sale a la tierra. Cuando lo hace, tirita como si estuviera muriendo de frío. Ser masculino. Se lo representa con la forma de un gato salvaje cuya cola termina en una garra terrible, con la que envuelve a los navegantes, bañistas y jinetes para llevarlos al fondo y ahogarlos. Se dice que tanta es su fuerza, que puede arrastrar un hombre a caballo.

Araucanian deity of the water that he lives in rivers and lagoons and rarely it leaves to the earth. When he makes it, he shivers as if he was dying from cold. To be masculine. It represents it to him with the form of a wild cat whose line finishes in a terrible claw, with which wraps the navigators, swimmers and horsemen to take them to the bottom and to drown them. It is said that so much is their force that a man can drag horse.

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