En el norte de Santiago del Estero, se dice que por las inmediaciones de las vías del ferrocarril, en noches de luna llena. merodea una chancha del demonio que arrastra pesadas cadenas con las que hace un ruido espeluznante y aterroriza a los pobladores. Otras versiones dicen que corre como enloquecida por los cables del teléfono.
In the north of Santiago of the Tideland, it is said that for the vicinity of the roads of the railroad, in nights of full moon. the demon's pig that drags heavy chains with those that he/she makes a thrilling noise marauds and it terrifies the residents. Other versions say that he/she runs as gone mad by the cables of the telephone.
In the north of Santiago of the Tideland, it is said that for the vicinity of the roads of the railroad, in nights of full moon. the demon's pig that drags heavy chains with those that he/she makes a thrilling noise marauds and it terrifies the residents. Other versions say that he/she runs as gone mad by the cables of the telephone.
1 comment:
jajaja que bueno con este demonio con carilla de cerdito pegué jaja
y hoy no descuelgo el telefono valla a ser que dicho demonio gorrino se menta en el cable hoy un saluda de hadama
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